Finding music for the sequence!

What a long and great process of work it has been to get to this point. Me and my group have decided on the scenes we're going to create and also all the lines for scenes. We're about 90% ready to film, however, there is still the need in finding the music and sounds that have to be used for the sequence.

The reason to have these sound effects and music tracks is for the film to pop-out more and create great sounds to portray the film. In order to use these music and audio tracks in our film, it is important to make sure each and every sound is free use for us and has no copyright. While looking for sounds and music, it is important that they contain free use so that anyone is allowed to freely use the music/sound of the media, if not, it could cause great trouble.

The first plan of action for me was to look upon YouTube and look for non-copyright music of intensity. The need for this track is to create an extreme tones through the scene where the music is played. I was able to find this one music, "Adrenaline - Intense Suspense Music", from the YouTube channel "Cinematic Music". this music track was perfect as to what I was looking for, in the case of an intense sound/music; it will be able to make action in the sequence more impactful. The next music track I searched for was for an ominous sound to create mystery in a scene. most of the sequence is related to a secret bad group in which they move very stealthy, and so that is a reason for finding a sound that's ominous. After scrolling for awhile, I was able to find "Ominous Orchestra" from the YouTube channel " Sound Phenomenon. This music track will be able to showcase the stealth of the bad guys and express their secret plans against the protagonist. I've been able to find most of the important music tracks by now, so, now I have to find important sound effects used in scenes. These sound effects will be necessary and could greatly affect how the film produces sounds because of how much sound effects can emphasize things in films. For the sequence, we have actions such as kicks and punches that could be assisted with sound effects to produce a great amount of noise for each action. It took some time, but I was finally able to find a non-copyrighted sound track that consisted of many different cinematic-action sound effects. This sound track contained punching, kicking, blocking, and many more sound effects that sound pretty realistic and also sound like usual cinematic-like action. Thanks to the YouTube channel "JAZ DE", I was finally able to find all the necessary action sound effects that the sequence needed for fight scenes and extreme situations.

Overall, it was fun looking through each and every music and sound track that YouTube was able to help provide. Now that this is over, the hardest part is about to come next, starting to film each and every scene of the sequence; well then, time to get that crunch time!


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