Questionnaire Time!
1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? Our product, Zephyrhills, challenges the conventions by making a way different view in the commercial compared to casual things in an everyday-Zephyrhills-commercial. For the issue side of the commercial, It was made to look as if the Zephyrhills water was the better choice for people to drink for water unlike other sources, like the Dasani used. The first convention used was the starting point, in which Max, the actor, was jogging and was getting exhausted to the point that he needed hydration. This convention was to represent the athletes and how they always need a source of hydration, typically water, in order to maintain their composure and energy. The hot and bright sun was also part of mis-en-scene to give the color effect to the viewer and how the runner was at a heated jog. A set that we had used was the trash bin, placed to a point where ...